User Manual

If your product malfunctions, go through the check points below before contacting a
Samsung authorized service center,
Check whether the power cord is securely plugged into the power outlet.
Did you press the STANDBY/ON button of your DVD Recorder-VCR.
The DVD Recorder-VCR requires some time to initialize after it is turned
Check whether the power cord is securely plugged into the power outlet.
Did you set the DVD Recorder-VCR channel settings correctly?
Check the free space on your DVD-RAM/DVD-RW/DVD-R disc.
Check the antenna cable is connected.
Check the recording time, end time and current time settings again.
Recording will be cancelled, if the power is removed due to a power
failure or other reason during recording.
Check whether the disc is formatted. This product can record on
formatted discs only.
Is the DVD-RAM cartridge protected?
Set the write protect tab to the unprotect position.
Check whether your DVD-RAM/DVD-RW/DVD-R disc has a sufficient free
Recording is available on DVD-RAM/DVD-RW/DVD-R discs only.
If a programme is copy protected, you cannot record it.
Press the and button of your DVD Recorder-VCR at the same time
when the power is on. All settings including password will revert to factory
settings. Do not use it if not absolutely required.
(Note that this function is available only when there is no disc inserted.)
Check whether the disc is inserted correctly with the label facing up.
Check the regional code of your DVD disc.
This DVD Recorder-VCR cannot playback some types of disc.
Are you watching a programme in slow or skip mode?
If you are playing a programme at a speed other than normal speed, sound
is not output.
Check the connections and initial settings.
Check whether the disc is damaged.
Clean up the disc, if necessary.
Check whether the disc is inserted correctly with the label facing up.
The input is dis-
played for a while
when the power
turns on.
Cannot record
TV programs.
Timer recording
does not work
I pressed the REC
button but there
is no response.
I forget the pass
word for parental
Cannot playback
the disc.
No sound.
No power.
Before contacting a Samsung authorized service center, perform the following simple checks.
Problem Explanation/Solution
No power
Check that the power plug is connected to a wall outlet.
Have you pressed the
You cannot insert a video cassette
A video cassette can only be inserted with the window
side up and the safety tab facing you.
The television programme was not
Check the DVD Recorder-VCR antenna connections.
Is the DVD Recorder-VCR tuner properly set?
Check if the safety tab is intact on the cassette.
Timer recording was unsuccessful
Re-check the recording Start/End time settings and
the current time
Check whether you insert a tape which has enough
time record
No playback picture or the picture
Check to see if you are using a prerecorded tape.
is distorted
You cannot see normal broadcasts
Check the TUNER/EXTERNAL setting. It should be on
Check the TV antenna connections.
Noise bars or streaks on playback
Press the PROG/TRK (
) buttons to minimize this
When the
button is pressed
A still picture may have noise bars, depending on the
during playback, the still picture condition of the tape. Press the PROG/TRK (
has severe noise bar streaks buttons during SLOW motion to minimize this effect.
Video Head Cleaning
If poor pictures appear on a variety of cassettes, the
video heads may need cleaning. This is not a common
problem and unless it appears, the heads should not
be cleaned. When cleaning the video heads, read all
instructions provided with the head cleaning cassette.
Incorrect head cleaning can permanently damage the
video heads.
If you are unable to solve the problem after reading the above instructions, note:
The model and serial number on the rear of your DVD Recorder-VCR
The warranty information
A clear description of the problem
Then contact your nearest SAMSUNG authorized service center.