
Toplay a standard VHS videotape, just insert it into the
VCR deck and prea_;the PL_-Ybutton. "*_ucan turn on the
Auto Plat' to enable the VCR deck to plat' automatically
when you insert a videotape that is missing the Record
SafetyTab. See pages 34~35.
The Tracking adjustment removes tile white lines that some-
times appear during playback because of slight difl\'rences
in reconling deck';. Tile TRK button ;','ill automatically align
tile recorded t rack_; with tile playback heads to solve this
pwblem. _\m may also set tracking manuall):
Record Safety Tab
] Adjust Tracking Manually
During playback, prea_; the CH/TRK ^/V
buttons to remoxe white lines from the picture.
Insert VHS Tape
Insert a standard VHS videotape into the VCR deck.
When a videotape is inserted, power will turn on
Play Tape
Press the I_II(PL_Y/PAUSE) button on tile remote
control or on the front panel of the unit. The video-
tape will begin to play automatically if it is missing
the Record Safety Tab and Auto Play is turned on.
See pages 34~35.
Stop Playback
Press the re(STOP) button Ollthe remote control or
on the front panel of the unit.
English - 55