
Press the ENTER button at tile end point.
The image and time at the end point are
displayed the end point window.
Creatinga PlaylistEntry
VR mode
Follow these dircctions to creatc a new playlist ento, from a
recorded title.
Prea_;the buttons to select Delete. and then
press tire ENTER button.
Message "Do you want to delete?" ,,','ill be dis-
If you want to cancel, press RETURN button to
n't urn to the Title List screen.
0 Press tire MENU button to exit the menu after tire
operation is finished.
The Title List screen ;','ill disappear.
!, , , T*;i of{i;£ggii,iionto iJiil;
least 5 scconcls long.
If tire length of tire section to delete is less than 5
seconds, you will be prompted with tire message
"The range is too short'.
If the end time precedes the start time, you will be
prompted with tire message "End point cannot be
marked earlier than start point".
Pre_s the MENU button when the disc is stopped.
Press tire button to select Playlist, and then
press the ENTER or I_ button.
DVD-RW(VR) : Play list
iiil]iiMow !!,ii!ii_iiSELECT !i!!;_]iRETU_
Press the button to select New Plavlist and
then pre__,the ENTER or I_ button.
Tire Make Scene screen is displayed.
the Title List. Since only tire information
nece._;aD" for playing a desired scene is
included in a playlist, even if that
playlist is deleted, the original data ,,;'ill
not be deleted.
78 - English