User manual

To view your current location and the route
to the destination, tap
To view the search history, swipe to the right.
To customize settings, download ofine
maps (when connected to Wi-Fi) , and more,
swipe to the left.
To view your route to the destination, you
need to be connected to the smartphone via
6. Select a destination from the list and tap .
To view more information, such as route or
distance, scroll upwards.
To update the route, drag the screen
downwards from the center of the screen
and tap Refresh routes.
7. Tap to get directions. Gear will display the
directions and any route changes depending
on your movements.
8. Follow the directions on the screen to reach
the destination.
Note: To set the Gear to vibrate to
warn you of an upcoming turn, drag the
screen downwards from the centre of
the screen and tap Vibration on.
News Brieng
View the latest articles in various categories. You
can get briefed on news categories that interest
you on the main pages of this feature.
1. On the Apps screen, tap News Brieng.
2. The rst time you open the app, follow the
onscreen instructions to read and agree to the
terms and conditions..
3. Swipe to the left or right to select a news
category. To display more categories, tap
tap Categories.
4. Select an article and swipe upwards to read
more. To read the article on the mobile device,