User's Manual

Call Functions and Contacts List 77
Multi-Party calls
Making a Multi-Party Call
A multi-party call is a network service that multiple people to
participate in a multi-party or conference call.
For further details about subscribing to this service, contact
customer service.
Setting up a Multi-Party Call
1. From the Home screen, tap .
2. Dial the number for the first participant and tap
3. Once connected, tap
Add call
, enter the second phone
number and tap . The first caller is placed on
4. Wait for the second caller to answer the incoming call
and tap
. The two calls are now joined into a
multi-party call and display in the order in which they
were called.
Multiple callers can be joined to a single
multi-party line. Additional callers participate in a
new Multiparty session and are held in conjunction
with the previous multiparty call. You can swap or
place each multi-party call on hold.
Having a Private Conversation With One Participant
The Manage conference call option is not available for
multi-party calls created while using the Wi-Fi Calling
feature. You must be on the cellular network to use the
manage feature.
When you have two participants in a multi-party session, it
might be necessary to place one of those participants on
hold so that a private conversation can be held with a single
caller. While you are in a multi-party call:
1. Press and then tap
Manage conference call
2. Tap (
Split Caller
) adjacent to the participants you
would like to split from the current multi-line call. The
list displays the callers in the order they were dialed.