User's Manual

Multimedia 91
: Tap videos to select them for deletion or tap
Select all
delete all videos. Tap
to deleted the selected videos.
Auto play next
: Tap to enable or disable automatic playing of
videos in the order they appear.
4. Tap a video to play it. While playing a video, touch the
screen to display or hide on-screen playback controls.
5. Tap the upper-left of the playback screen
while the video is
to change the Display Mode from original size to full
screen in ratio or full screen.
Original Size
( ): Changes the display mode to the original size.
Full-Screen in Ratio View
( ): Changes the display mode to
the full-screen in ratio option. The video is enlarged as much as
possible without becoming distorted.
Full-Screen View
( ): Changes the display mode to full screen.
That is, the entire screen is used, which may cause some minor
6. While the video is playing, tap the screen and select
) to mark your favorite areas of the video. A
yellow mark appears on the progress bar.
7. During playback, tap the screen and select
) for
•Share via
: Send the video by Messaging, YouTube, Dropbox,
Bluetooth, Gmail, or Email.
: If bookmarks have been set for this video, a thumbnail
and time are displayed for each bookmark.
Tap to remove a bookmark.
•Color tone
: Set the color tone to Normal, Warm, or Cold.
Outdoor visibility
: Turn outdoor visibility On or Off.
: Provides details about the video, such as Name, Size,
Resolution, Duration, Format, and Date modified.
For more information, refer to “Playing Videos within the Gallery”
on page 95.
DivX Overview
This device is able to playback DivX videos. DivX Certified to play
DivX video up to HD 1080p, including premium content. If you try
to play DivX VOD content not authorized for your device, the
message “Authorization Error” will be displayed and your content
will not play.] Learn more at
Your device must first be registered to playback protected or
purchased DivX content. DRM-free or unprotected content does
not required DivX VOD registration.