Dual Band GSM Phone Owner's Manual

ABC mode • 37; 41
Access codes • 133
Accessories • 9
Active folder • 91
Active line • 114
Alarm • 100
Alert type • 81; 82
ALS • 128
calls • 26
second call • 30
power • 91
redial • 91
Backlight • 15; 87
calls • 109
password • 111; 134
charger • 21
charging • 20; 21
installing • 18
low battery indicator • 21
precautions • 137
removing • 19
Broadcast • 72
Browser • 117
Calculator • 102
Calendar • 95
groups • 54
ID • 113
alert types • 81
answering • 26
a second call • 30
barring • 109
costs • 76
dialled • 75
diverting • 107
emergency • 144
ending • 26
holding • 28
international • 24
log • 24
making • 23
C (continued)
Calls (continued)
missed • 25; 74
multiparty • 32
received • 74
records • 74
redialling • 24
automatically • 91
rejecting • 27
ring tone • 81
searching for a number in
the phonebook • 48
times • 75
via the phonebook • 48
voice functions • 77
waiting • 30; 111
dialling numbers • 53
inserting • 17
lock • 89
removing • 18
Care • 146
PIN • 89
PIN2 • 90
text input modes • 38
entering • 37
Charging batteries • 20; 21
Chatting • 69
Clock • 98
Closed User Group • 114
Conference calls
See Multiparty calls
Connecting to voice mail • 69
Connection tone • 83
Contrast • 86
Conversion • 103
Copying phonebook
numbers • 50
Correcting numbers • 23
Cost of calls • 76
CUG • 114
Date setting • 98
Dialled calls • 75
Dialling • 23
phonebook numbers • 48
SIM card numbers • 53
voice • 77
SIM (Subscriber Identification Module)
Card containing a chip with all the information
required to operate the phone (network and memory
information, as well as the subscribers personal
data). The SIM card fits into a small slot on the back
of the phone and is protected by the battery.
SMS (Short Message Service)
Network service sending and receiving messages to
and from another subscriber without having to speak
to the correspondent. The message created or
received can be displayed, received, edited or sent.
Soft Keys
Two keys marked and on the phone, the
purpose of which:
Varies according to the function that you are
currently using
Is indicated on the bottom line of the display just
above the corresponding key
Voice Mail
Computerised answering service that automatically
answers your calls when you are not available, plays
a greeting (optionally in your own voice) and records
a message.