
Dynamic Range Control
You can listen at low volumes but still hear dialog
clearly, This is only active when a Dolby Digital
signal is detected,
Off : Turn Dynamic Range Control off,
On : Choose to listen to a movie at a lower
volume without losing clarity of dialog,
Auto : The Dynamic Range Control will be set
automatically based on the information
provided by the Dolby TrueHD Soundtrack.
AV Sync ................................................................................................................................................................................
Video may not sync with the audio when the
product isconnected to a digital -PV,Ifthis occurs,
adjust the audio deJaytime to match the video,
You can set the audio delay time between
0 msec and 300 msec, Adjust it to the optimal
initial Settings .................
By using the Initial Settings, you can set
language, TV aspect, Musical Room Calibration
and Network setting, etc,
For more information on the settings, refer to the
corresponding section in this user manual.
Jnternet@TV Screen Size
Set the Intemet@TV Screen to the optimal size,
Size 1 : Display smaller application icons, You
may see some black on the sides of the
Size 2 : Display normal application icons.
- Size 3 : Display larger application icons. The
image may be too large for your TV screen.
Anynet+ (HDMFCEC) .......................................................................................
Anynet+ is a convenient function that offers linked
operations with other Samsung products that
have the Anynet+ feature,
To operate this function, connect this product to
a Samsung TV with an HDMI cable,
You can then operate this product using a
Samsung TV remote control and start disc
playback simply by pressing the PLAY (_) button
on the TV's remote control,
For more information, please see the TV user
Off : Anynet+ function is off,
On : Anynet+ function is on,
_s This function is not available if the HDMI cable
does not support CEC.
_s If your Samsung -P,7has an _/_yr,et_ logo, then
it supports the Anynet+ function,
_s Depending on your-P_/, certain HDMI output
resolutions may not work,
PJeaserefer to the user manual of your TM.
_s The Anynet+ function is supported only when
an HDMI Cable is connected to the HDMI OUT
of the product.
_s If the HDMI cable or the power code is
unplugged, or if the product is turned off
abnormally due to power failure, first connect
the HDM! cable again; turn on alldevices
including the product, and use the ANYNET+
function under the TM menu to activate all
connected devices again,
BD Data Management .......................................
Letsyou managethedownloadedcontentsfrom a Bb-ray
Discthatsupportsthe BD-LIVEservice
You cancheckthe deviceinformationfndudingthe
storagesize,deletethe BDdata orchangethe Flash
memorydevice ChangeDeviceallowsyouto selecteither
the product's InternalMemoryor ExternalMemory
(connectedUSB Device).Ifthedata to be storedfrom
BD-LIVEis greaterthanthe sizeof the remainingmemory
or theInternalMemoryisfull,connectan ExternalUSB
device,then seJectExternalDevicein the menu,
EngJish 39