Service manual

Disassembly & Reassembly
12-4 Samsung Electronics
Part Name Description Description Photo
Separate the cables from the Main Board and CRT Ass'y
Separate the wires from the FBT of the Main Board and
the CRT Ass'y.
To separate the thick red wires, pull the wires while pressing
the push-type clip at the connector.
To separate the thin red wire, insert a pin in the small hold
next to the hole and pull the wire.
: Take care when separating the wires because pulling the
wires by force may damage the socket. In addition, separate the
wires on a flat and clean surface so as to prevent scratching of
the material and the PCB.
Pull the wires while
pressing on the fixing clip.
12-1-3 Disassembling the CRT Ass'y