Installation Manual

Starting the system air conditioner app
Controlling the air conditioner
You can control the air conditioner smartly using the following information.
Category Function Description
Desired Temp Displays the desired temperature.
Current Temp Displays the current temperature.
Outdoor temp
Displays the outside temperature.
(based on the local weather data)
Filter warning ɇʪθϩϑ˝ʪʪθɇϩʪʒɇ˙ϩʪθϩ˵ʪѣϩʪθϩʪʪɇΧϑʪϑࢋ
Defrost Appears in the defrost state.
Power supply Turn on or off the air conditioner.
Operation mode Select the desired operation mode.
Temperature control Adjust the desired temperature.
Fan speed Adjust the desired fan speed.
θѤͱиʒθʪʀϩͱ ʒЇϑϩϩ˵ʪʒʪϑθʪʒɇθѤͱиʒθʪʀϩͱࢋ
Wind-free Enables/disables the wind-free feature.
Long wind Enables/disables the long wind feature.
Auto clean/drying Enables/disables the auto clean/drying feature.
Motion detection Enables/disables the motion detection feature.
Direct/indirect wind
Select any of direct wind and indirect wind while in motion
Purify kɇɵʪϑࢥʒϑɇɵʪϑϩ˵ʪΧЇθѣʀɇϩͱ˙ʪɇϩЇθʪࢋ
AI learning
The AI algorithm learns the usage pattern to suggest the optimal
mode and temperature for the user
Energy monitor Displays the power usage on the daily/weekly/monthly basis.
Reset Filter ƸΧͱɇѣϩʪθɇʪθϩࡡцͱЇʀɇϩɇіʪϩ˵ʪѣϩʪθθʪϑʪϩϩʪ
Available features may differ depending on the model.
For more information about the SmartThings app, see the detailed usage in SmartThings app.
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