User Manual

ENG - 10
Using the Stereo Group mode
You can enjoy stereo sound by connecting two Party Audio systems.
Left Party Audio
Right Party Audio
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1. Press the ADD STEREO button on the left Party Audio system. The “ADD STEREO” message
appears on the display and the LED blinks on the ADD STEREO button.
2. Press the ADD STEREO button on the right Party Audio system. The “ADD STEREO” message
appears on the display and the LED blinks on the ADD STEREO button.
3. When the connection is made, The “BT PAIRING” message appears on the master Party Audio
system and “STEREO MODE” appears on the slave Party Audio system.
The master Party Audio system outputs left channel sound and the slave Party Audio system
outputs right channel sound. If you want to change the sound channels of Party Audio systems,
press the ADD STEREO button on the current master Party Audio system.
4. Play music on the Party Audio. Sound outputs from both Party Audio systems.
To use the Stereo Group mode, both Party Audio systems must be the same model.
Environmental conditions or other factors with connected devices may have effect on playback
If the red LED is on the ADD STEREO, an error has occured in the Stereo Group connection. Try step
1 and step 4 again.
All the buttons except ADD STEREO button and Power on the slave Party Audio systems are
disabled while in Stereo Group mode.
The GROUP PLAY button on the host Party Audio system is not available while in Stereo Group