User manual

Program Control Instructions
Mnemonic Name
Word ladder
Double word
ladder symbol
For Loop
Execute instructions in the block
between FOR and corresponding
NEXT. Repeat execution D times.
Decrement D of FOR instruction by 1.
If it is not zero, repeat execution
from FOR instruction.
JMP Jump
Jump to the position marked LBL L
(label number).
(L: 0 to 63)
LBL Label
Position jumped to by the
corresponding JMP instruction.
(L:0 to 63)
JMPS Jump Start Jump to the JMPE instruction.
JMPE Jump End
Position jumped to by the
corresponding JMPS instruction.
CALL Call Subroutine
Call subroutine Sb.
(Sb = 0 to 63)
SBR Subroutine Start
Start subroutine Sb.
(Sb = 0 to 63)
RET Subroutine Return
End of subroutine. Return execution
to the instruction after CALL.
INT Begin Interrupt
Begin the block of constant cycle
scan instructions.
Ni = 1 to 999 (20 msec to 10 sec)
Constant cycle time = (Ni+1) x 0.01
RETI Return Interrupt
End the block of constant cycle scan