User manual

3. Switching microphone off(on)
4. Muting (Sending) key tone
5. Sending own number
. Decrease of microphone Sensitivity
# . Increase of microphone Sensitivity
통화. DTMF dialing
In-Call Options
To access these functions during a call, press the soft key indicated by the
text ' (Menu)' in the bottom line of the display.
1. Phonebook ( )
1-1. Last numbers dialled
1-2. Last numbers received
1-3. Search a number (1. Recall by Group/2. Recall by name
3. Recall by memory )
1-4. Add new entry
1-5. Group editing (1. Registration/2. Edit/3. Delete)
1-#. Own number display
2. Mail service
2-1. Message received (1. Voice messages/2. Text messages/
3. Erase messages/4. Message alert/
5. Message display on/off)
2-2. Message to send (1. Page phone/2. Write message/
3. Message maintenance)