User Manual

Table Of Contents
How Mobile Web Service keys work
Links have several purposes, such as jumping to a different
page, jumping to a different site or even initiating a phone call
from some sites. Links are shown inside of brackets ([]),
and you can normally use the left soft key to select a link
when it is highlighted.
Icon Name Function
Used to browse and select options,
links, etc.
1) A browser back-up key. Press it once to
back up one page. Press and hold to back up
to the Verizon Wireless home page.
2) Backspaces and clears text or numbers.
Briefly press to clear the last number, letter,
or symbol. Press and hold to completely
clear the input field.
Shift Key
Press before entering text to create upper
case (capital) letters. You can also press to
move back one space.
0/Next Key
Press to enter a 0 (zero), or to move to view
another word in the dictionary when in T9
Word entry mode.
Space Key
Press to insert a space when entering text.
1 thru
9 Keys
If items on a menu are numbered, the num-
bered keys can be used to select the
numbered items.
Press to exit the minibrowser and return to
standby mode.
Soft Key
Press to enter the browser menu.
SEND Key Press to send a call.