User manual

Icon Status
Received signal strength
Radio signal restricted
Call in progress
No service or radio signal restricted
Anycall SOS service available
Alarm or wake-up call set
New Anycall SOS message
New SMS message
New voice message
New Color Mail
New broadcasting message
Display Indicators
The display may show the following icons to indicate
the phone’s status.
Key Function
Scrolls through options or items in Menu mode
when pushed in the direction of arrow;
Push this key up toward the top of the phone .
Push this key down toward the bottom of the
phone .
Push this key to the left .
Push this key to the right .
Provides shortcuts to specific features in Standby
: June menu/June service(hold down)
: Anycall Band menu/
Whisper mode(hold down during a call)
: Messages menu/
New Message menu(hold down)
: Phonebook menu/
Search phone nomber menu(hold down)
: NATE menu/NATE service(hold down)