User manual

Icon Glossary
This option causes the Icon Glossary list to appear in the display and show the
icons that can appear in the display and the names of the icons.
1. In standby mode, press the Settings (left) soft key ( ), then press
(for Phone Info) and for Icon Glossary. A list of the icons that can
appear on the top line of the display shows in the display.
2. Press to return to the Phone Info menu.
You can view the PRL (Preferred Roaming List), ERI (Extended Roaming Indicator),
software version, and hardware version on your phone. This feature is helpful if you
need to contact Customer Service.
1. In standby mode, press the Settings (left) soft key ( ), then press
(for Phone Info) and for Version.
Hardware and software information for your phone appears in the display.
2. Press to return to the Phone Info menu.
You can view the ESN and MEID values in both Decimal and Hexadecimal values
from this menu.
1. In standby mode, press the Settings (left) soft key ( ), then press
(for Phone Info) and for ESN / MEID.
The ESN and MEID information displays in Decimal digits and in
Hexadecimal characters.
2. Press to return to the Phone Info menu.
Warranty Date Code
The device provides a customer warranty date code. The code (date MM/DD/YYYY
and time HH:MM) is populated into the device after 10 minutes of CDMA usage time.
This Date Code value may be used to determine the device warranty status.
You can view the Warranty date code for your phone.
1. In standby mode, press the Settings (left) soft key ( ), then press
(for Phone Info) and for Warranty date code.
The Warranty date code information appears in the display.
2. Press to return to the Phone Info menu.