User's Guide

Menu functions
Request delivery receipt
: set the network to
inform you when e-mails have been delivered.
Request read receipt
: send a read-reply request
for a reply along with e-mails.
: select the priority level of your e-mail.
Add signature
: attach your name, phone number,
or a simple memo to e-mails.
Edit name
: edit the name in your signature.
Edit telephone number
: edit the phone number
in your signature.
Edit note
: edit the tag line in your signature.
Receiving options
: set up the options for
receiving e-mails:
Check interval
: determine how often the phone
checks the server for incoming e-mails.
If you select
Not used
, you can use the Check
new mail feature to check your e-mail manually.
Send read receipt
: determine whether or not the
phone sends a read-reply for incoming e-mails. If
you select
, the phone asks you to send
a read-reply.
Retrieve option
: set whether the phone
downloads e-mail headers only or e-mail headers
and bodies both.
Delete option
: determine whether e-mails are
deleted immediately or the next time you connect
to the server.
Download limit
: determine the maximum size for
incoming e-mails. Your phone will reject e-mails
that exceed the specified size.
Keep in server
: leave the copies of e-mails in the
server after retrieving.
Email accounts
: set up an e-mail account and
select an account to be used:
Current account
: select an account.
Account settings
: configure e-mail accounts
using different e-mail servers. Press <
>, or
press <
> and select
, if one has
already been saved.
In use
: select this option to use the account and
to display the account in
Email inbox
. Page 65 Friday, September 29, 2006 2:11 PM