Health and Safety Guide

Caution! Some applications or prolonged usage
may increase device temperature.
Prolonged skin contact with a device
that is hot to the touch may produce
skin discomfort or redness, or
low-temperature burns. If the device
feels hot to the touch, discontinue use
and close all applications or turn off
the device until it cools. Always ensure
that the device has adequate
ventilation and air flow. Covering the
device with bedding, your body, thick
clothing or any other materials that
significantly affect air flow may affect
the performance of the phone and
poses a possible risk of fire or
explosion, which could lead to serious
bodily injuries or damage to property.
Restricting Children's Access
to Your Mobile Device
Your mobile device is not a toy. Do not allow
children to play with it because they could hurt
themselves and others, damage the mobile
device, or make calls that increase your
mobile device bill.
Keep the mobile device and all its parts and
accessories out of the reach of small children.