User Manual

Your Location
Location-based information includes information
that can be used to determine the approximate
location of a mobile device. Mobile devices which
are connected to a wireless network transmit
location-based information. Additionally, if
you use applications that require location-
based information (e.g., driving directions),
such applications transmit location-based
information. The location-based information
may be shared with third-parties, including your
wireless service provider, applications providers,
Samsung, and other third-parties providing
Use of AGPS in Emergency Calls
When you make an emergency call, the cellular
network may activate AGPS technology in your
mobile device to tell the emergency responders
your approximate location.
AGPS has limitations and might not work in your
Always tell the emergency responder your
location to the best of your ability; and
Remain on the mobile device for as long as
the emergency responder instructs you.
Maps, directions, and other navigation data,
including data relating to your current location,
may contain inaccurate or incomplete data, and