User Manual

Recent location requests
Apps that have requested your location are listed
under Recent location requests.
Settings, tap C
onnections > Location.
2. T
ap On/Off to turn on Location services.
3. Tap an entry under Recent location requests to
view the app’s settings.
Location services
Location services store and use your device’s most
recent location data. Google apps can use this data
to improve your search results based on places that
you have visited.
Settings, tap C
onnections > Location.
2. T
ap an entry under Location services to use as a
location service.
Nearby device scanning
Scan for nearby devices to connect to and set them
up easily. You receive a notification when there are
available devices to connect to.
Settings, tap C
onnections > More
connection settings > Nearby device scanning.
2. T
ap On/Off to enable the feature.
Settings 87