
Fridge drawers
Vegetable / fruit drawers
Gently lift up the front of the drawer and
slide out.
We recommend that you remove the
door bins before removing the drawer.
This is to prevent damage to the door
To reinsert, insert the drawer into the
frame rails and then slide inward.
Cool Select Zone
To remove, fully open the Cool Select
Zone. Then, slightly lift the front side
and pull straight out.
To reinsert, push the rails to the back
of the refrigerator. Then, place the Cool
Select Zone drawer onto the rails and
slide it back until it is in place.
To remove the divider, lift the front
side of the divider to unhook it from
the wall, and then pull the divider out.
To reinsert the divider, hook the back of
the divider over the rear wall, and then
push the divider down.
FDR_AW2-FL_DA68-03872A-00_EN.indd 70 2019-05-17  10:15:17