Operation Manual

setup screen
To Set Day/Night (SNB-5004)
1. Select <Day/Night>.
2. Select each item and set it properly.
Mode: Mode is used to adjust the
color of Color or Black and White.
- Color : The video is always output in
- B/W : The video is always output in
black and white.
- Auto : Normally, it is set to Color but
to B&W under low luminance at night.
If AGC of the <Exposure> menu is set
to <Off>, the day/night mode cannot be set to <Auto>.
- External : It controls the color of the video when the alarm input terminal is
synchronized with an external device.
- Schedule : Set the time during which the camera is operated in the color mode.
Dwell Time : It specifies the period for which the selected brightness condition
must be maintained to switch the lighting mode from Day to Night or vice versa.
Duration : It specifies the interval of lighting mode conversion.
Alarm in : The video is set to Color or B/W as the alarm sensor is open or closed.
If the Day/Night mode is set to External Input, the alarm input function of the Event-Alarm Input
page is disabled.
Simple focus after D/N: The video is automatically focused after the lighting mode
changes from Day to Night or vice versa.
Activation time(Color) : It specifies the schedule for color mode operation.
If it is set, the Color mode is maintained from 00 second of the starting time to 59 second of the
ending time.
When <Simple focus after D/N> is set, the focusing function may not work properly under a
certain condition.
For more details, refer to “Focus setup”. (Page 87)
The Day/Night mode may not operate properly if the lens installed in the camera and the lens set
in <Lens> of the <Exposure> menu don’t match.
84_ setup screen