User guide

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Connection fees
No fees are applied to update checks or downloads.
Scheduled update time
Notification appears. Press c or wait ten seconds. Update
will not start while 708SC is in use. When operation ends,
confirmation window appears. However if operation does
not end within ten minutes of scheduled update time,
scheduled update is automatically canceled.
To cancel Schedule update
a Perform Steps 1 to 5, select Cancel schedule
b Press w (Yes)
Notification Window
Charge battery beforehand; if low, update may fail.
If Scheduled update time arrives while 708SC is out-
of-range, Software Update is canceled.
Remain within strong, stable signal conditions.
708SC Phonebook entries, media files, and other
contents are not affected by software updates, but
always back-up important information (note that
some files cannot be copied). SoftBank is not liable
for damages from lost information, etc.
708SC transmissions are disabled during update.
Update may take some time to complete.
Update failure may disable 708SC. Contact SoftBank
Customer Center, Customer Assistance.