User Manual

Table Of Contents
Section 21
146 Terms and Conditions & Warranty Information
your Service. You will be charged off-peak rates for the
entire duration of calls initiated during the off-peak time
periods applicable to your Service. In addition to these
usage charges, you may be charged for recurring monthly
service charges, applicable local and long-distance toll
charges, other usage charges, connection fees, roaming
charges, directory assistance, call completion charges,
optional features you select at an extra cost, and taxes and
other regulatory related charges. Charges for most Services
are incurred in one-minute increments, with partial
minutes of use rounded up to the next highest minute. You
must pay, by each invoice due date, all charges for Services
provided to the Number for each phone or other equipment
that our records show you activated, no matter who actually
uses or has possession of the phone or other equipment at
the time Services are provided.
Voice Command
Sprint PCS Voice Command is an optional service that
allows you to place calls by using speech recognition
technology. Calls to 911 or similar emergency numbers
cannot be placed through the Voice Command feature.
Airtime and applicable long distance charges for a call
completed from your Number using the Voice Command
feature begin when you press or activate the TALK or similar
keys and end when your call is terminated by hitting the
END key or by returning to the Voice Command platform. If
you initiate and complete another call without leaving the
Voice Command platform, a separate charge for that call
will begin from the time the previous call was terminated.
Airtime and applicable long distance charges will be
applied to the entire length of a completed call initiated
from Voice Command. Using Directory Assistance to input
names into your Voice Command address book will incur
additional charges. Details on charges for the Voice
Command feature can be found in the marketing materials
for this feature, by visiting or by calling
Sprint PCS Customer Care.