User Manual

Table Of Contents
Section 10
78 Using Your Internal Phone Book
Selecting a Ringer Type for an Entry
You can assign a ringer type to an Internal Phone Book
entry so you can identify the caller by the ringer type. If
there is no ringer assigned, the default ringer will
automatically be used for incoming calls. For further
information see "Ringer Types" on page 81.
If the ringer is set to
Vibrate or OFF, any alarms,
web messages, and alerts
default to Vibrate or Off.
To select a ringer type:
1. From standby mode, press for Main Menu.
2. Press for Phone Book.
3. Press for Find Name. Scroll to highlight the
name you wish to select and press .
4. Press for Menu options.
5. Press for Name Ringer.
6. Scroll to highlight a melody or ring number and press
to save the
Name Ringer of choice.
Dialing Sprint PCS Services
You must be in digital mode to access Sprint PCS Services.
To call a service:
1. From standby mode, press for Main Menu.
2. Press for Phone Book.
3. Press for Services.
4. Scroll to highlight an option, and press .
5. Press to call that service.
My Sprint PCS Phone Number
To display your own phone number:
1. From standby mode, press for Main Menu.
2. Press for Phone Book.
3. Press for My Phone#.