User Manual

Freezing room shelf
• Pull out the ice tray first and then lift up the front
part of freezing room shelf and pull it out forward.
High humidity special fresh shelf
• Lift up and pull out the high humidity special fresh
shelf at the blocking point while pulling it out to the
arrow direction.
Water tank
• Lift up and pull out the water tank as shown on
the figure.(Model applied :
Vegetable room lid and box
• Lift up the vegetable room lid and pull it out
• Pull out vegetable box while lifting it up after
pulling forward to the middle point.
Re-enforced glass shelf
• Hold the re-enforced glass shelf with both hands
as shown on the figure and pull it out forward.
• Depending on the size of tanks for storing foods,
the re-enforced glass shelf may be removed or
used with its height properly adjusted.
Low temperature catalyzing deodorizer
• After pulling out the high humidity special freshing
room forward, pull it out while pressing the ending
part of sill on the low temperature catalyzing
Space for drinks
• Lift up and pull out the space for drinks.
Low temperature
catalyzing deodorizer
Vegetable room
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