Samsung Printers - Fleet Admin Pro Overview Admin Guide

The Rule menu is available, if you have Rule Management permission. It opens the Rule Management page where you
can create rules for actions to be automatically performed, when a certain event occurs. For example, automatically apply
connection settings, when a device is added to the System or assign roles, when a user is created.
The Rule Managementpageconsistsof:
• ontheleftpanel:
Event List section. Here you select an event upon which an action must be performed. For example, device
added to System. A set of events depends on the plug-ins enabled in the System.
• ontherightpanel:
rule list section. It shows a rule list associated with the selected event. You can customize its columns
(add, remove, sort) to view the needed rule details. Do this the same way as for the device list. See Device
Management>Device List>Column Management in online help.
rule toolbar, including controls for you to manage rules (add, delete). See “Rule Toolbar” on page 28.
Rule Toolbar
• select a condition(s) on which to perform action. For example, the added device must belong to certain group.
In this case click the condition group link and select the needed group. A set of conditions depends on the
selected event.
• select an action(s) to be performed automatically. For example, apply connection settings to the added device.
In this case click the action connection settings link to specify the settings. A set of actions depends on the
selected event.
• provide rule name and description.
See Rule Based Task Automation>Rule Wizard in online help.
Delete icon. It is enabled, when a rule(s) is selected. Click it to remove rules.
Modify icon. It is enabled, when a rule is selected. It opens the Rule Wizard for you to edit the rule conditions and
actions in.
Move up/Move down icons. They are enabled, when a rule is selected. Click the icon to move a rule to one position
up/down in the list.
• searcheld.Enterarulenameandclickthemagniericontospottheneededrule.