User manual

Adjusting the Picture for Easier Viewing (Picture Options)
Picture Picture Options
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Select Picture Picture Options to make additional adjustments for an easier viewing experience.
When the TV is connected to a computer via an HDMI-DVI cable, only Colour Tone can be adjusted.
Choose a Picture Mode and then adjust the settings.
Colour Tone
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Adjusts the colour tone. The setting is applied on an individual Picture Mode basis. When a
Picture Mode is changed, the corresponding setting will be applied automatically.
If the Picture Mode is set to Dynamic, you will only be able to choose Cool or Standard.
Digital Clean View
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Reduces static and ghosting caused by a weak signal. Selecting Auto Visualisation displays the
signal strength at the bottom the screen. Green indicates the best possible signal.
Auto Visualisation available for analogue channels only.
MPEG Noise Filter
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Reduces MPEG noise and improves video quality.
HDMI Black Level
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Some external devices connected to the TV via an HDMI cable can have issues, such as low
black level, low contrast, and dull colours. Use HDMI Black Level to adjust the black level to
This is only available when using an external device connected to the TV via an HDMI connector.
This function is only available when the input signal, connected to the TV via an HDMI connector, is set
to RGB444.
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Depending on the specific model.
Allows you to set the HDMI UHD Color mode to On or Off for each HDMI connector on the TV.
When set to On, the TV optimises processing of UHD 50P/60P signals.
To configure the HDMI UHD Color mode for each HDMI connector, turn off the power of the
external devices and disconnect the HDMI cables connected to the TV. Then, select this function,
and then follow the on-screen instructions.
Make sure that the HDMI cable is not connected to the TV. The HDMI UHD Color settings will be
completed only if the HDMI cable is not connected to the HDMI connector.
After setting the HDMI connector to On, it takes some time to complete the conversion.
If the HDMI connector with HDMI UHD Color enabled is connected to a device that does not support
UHD content, the device may not operate properly. If this is the case, set HDMI UHD Color for the HDMI
connector to Off.
Each HDMI connector can be individually optimised for HDMI UHD Color. However, HDMI UHD Color is
available only with a video source featuring the UHD 50P/60P 4:4:4 and 4:2:2 specifications.
The HDMI connector with HDMI UHD Color set to Off supports up to UHD 50P/60P 4:2:0, while the
HDMI connector with HDMI UHD Color set to On supports up to UHD 50P/60P 4:4:4 and 4:2:2.
Before setting up this mode, you need to unplug the HDMI cable from TV.