User manual

Buttons and Functions Available While Recording a Programme
Press Touchpad/Enter button while recording a programme. The following buttons will appear as well
as the recording progress bar.
This displays detailed information about the programme being recorded.
The programme information may differ depending on the broadcasting signal and may not be available
at all for certain programmes.
Recording Time
You can select the recording time.
Stop Recording / Go to Live TV
Stops recording. / Shifts viewing to live TV.
Managing the Schedule Recording List
Broadcasting Schedule Manager
You can change the settings of scheduled recording sessions or cancel scheduled sessions altogether.
Deleting Schedule Recording Sessions
You can delete scheduled recording sessions.
Select Broadcasting Schedule Manager.
Select a session from the Schedule Manager. A pop-up window appears.
Select Delete. This cancels the selected recording session.
Editing Schedule Recording Sessions
You can change the settings of scheduled recording sessions.
Select Broadcasting Schedule Manager.
Select a session from the Schedule Manager. A pop-up window appears.
Select Edit and change the settings of the selected session.
Once finished, select OK. This applies the changes you made to the selected recording session.