Operation Manual

Viewing and selecting channels on favourites lists only
Live TV Channel List
Press the right directional button on your remote control.
Select Favourites.
Select the desired list among five favourites lists on the screen. Then the channels in the selected
favourites list appear.
Only if the favorites list has been registered, the channels of the list can be displayed.
Editing a Favourites List
Edit a favourites channel list.
Live TV Channel List
After pressing the right directional button on the your remote control, select Favourites Favourites 1 ~
Favourites 5 Edit. Edit Favourites screen appears.
Removing channels from a favourites list
Select channels in favourite list, and then select button.
Rearranging a favourites list
Select the channels, and then select Change order. The Change order highlight appears. Press the up/
down arrow buttons to indicate the new location for the channels. Press the Select button to set the
channels into their new location.
Renaming a favourites list
Select favourite list you want to rename, and then select Rename Favourites. Enter a new name using the
on-screen keyboard that appears, and then select Done.