User Manual

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When you open the Guide, a table grid of channels and programs is displayed. The top row displays Channel Filter
then the day and times. Each row has a channel name on the left and programs on that channel on the right.
In the Guide, use the up and down directional buttons to move between channels and use the left and right
directional buttons to move between programs within a channel. You can use the button to go to the current
When you move the focus to a program, you will hear the detailed informations about the selected program. You will
also hear if the Video Description and Caption are available for the program. When you move the focus to a different
channel, you will hear the channel name and number, and the program details. If you move to a different day, you
will hear the day announced for the first program you reach on that day. The day is not repeated, so if you are not
sure what the day is, you can move forwards and backwards 24 hours and then the day will be announced.
To view a program on now
In the Guide, move to the program currently broadcasting, and then press the Select button to go to live TV on the
selected channel and program.
Other options in the guide
In the Guide, move to a broadcast scheduled program, and then press the Select button. A pop-up menu listing the
functions below appears. For the program you are currently watching, press and hold the Select button.
Use the up and down directional buttons to move within this menu, and then press Select to choose an item. Press
to close the menu and go back to the Guide.
Schedule Viewing
You can schedule viewing for a broadcast scheduled program.
Cancel Scheduled Viewing
You can cancel your scheduled viewings.
" This function may not be supported depending on the model or geographical area.
View Details
You can see the detailed information on the selected program. The information may differ with the broadcast
signal. If the information is not provided with the program, nothing appears.
Press Select on the View Details option. This will open the details pop-up window for that program which
will display a synopsis. The details pop-up window consists of detailed information and the OK option. After
reading the detailed information, press the Select button on the remote control to close the pop-up window.