User manual

Chapter 5. Troubleshooting
Q I don’t get clear sound when I play a MIDI file in my Karaoke program.
A Run Start > Control Panel > Sounds, Speech, and Audio Devices >
Sounds and Audio Devices then select the Audio tab. Select
‘Microsoft GS
Wavetable SW Synth in MIDI music playback’ and click OK.
Q My computer cannot recognize the CD drive.
A1 Check to see if the CD drive and motherboard signal and/or power cables
is connected properly.
A2 Check whether the Master / Slave / CS jumper behind the CD-ROM drive
are setup properly.
Q My display will not recover properly when the screensaver is activated
and deactivated while using Windows Media Player.
A1 As a particular characteristic of Windows, you must turn Windows Media
Player Off and then On again to recover your display functions.
Q When I replace my Hard Drive.
A If the new Hard Drive has not been formatted, you must boot up by using
the System Recovery CD and partition the Drive before formatting.
Continue installing Windows once format is complete.
Once Windows installation is complete, use the Software CD to install
necessary programs and drivers. (Refer to reinstalling your software,
Reinstalling Windows)
Q When installing a Samsung monitor/printer.
A If the new monitor and printer drivers are not preinstalled in Windows XP,
the PreInstall program will run automatically upon connection to install
necessary drivers. However, if you’ve reinstalled Windows, the PreInstall
program will not run. To reinstall the drivers, use the installation CDs
provided with your printer and monitor.
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