Instruction manual

Casa De Fortuna/8 Page 8
Restaurante Terraza Case Pedro, Playa Blanca. We would recommend
this as an excellent fish restaurant down on the promenade of Playa
Blanca. Walk down to the sea front and when you reach the small beach
area in front of the restaurants, turn right. You are heading for the green
restaurant which is on the corner. Keep walking until you see the
restaurant called Restaurante Terraza Casa Pedro. Beware, there is a
restaurant next door to it that is also called Restaurant Pedro - make sure
you go in the first Pedro restaurant. We thoroughly recommend that
you have the „fresh fish of the day‟ served with canarian potatoes and
sauce. This is a lovely evening restaurant, but is also excellent at lunch
times, as you can sit out by the sea in the outside eating area. This
restaurant is normally closed on Thursdays.
There are also many good restaurants in the old port at Puerto del Carmen,
notably, Puerto Viejo, 928 51 52 65 and La Casa Roja (part of the same group as
Restaurante Playa Quemada) 928 515 866. Puerto del Carmen is also the busiest
tourist area on the island.
Canarian Cuisine:
Typical Canarian Cuisine includes many dishes prepared with fish caught in
large amounts along the coast. Fish is served with the famous papas arrugadas,
potatoes boiled in salt water, and a hot sauce called mojo.
Traditional dishes are watercress stew, the popular sancocho canario, made
with salted fish and mojo, rabbit in salmorejo, a sauce consisting of water,
vinegar, olive oil, salt and pepper, sweet black pudding, etc. Banana and
tomato, the main source of wealth of the islands, also occupy an important
place in Canarian cooking, as do avocado pear and papaya fruit as well as
gofio, a roasted mixture of wheat, maize or barley, which is eaten with certain
dishes of the country instead of bread. Among the sweets, especially
outstanding are tirijalas, bienmesabes, frangollo, bizcochos lustrados, turrones
de melaza or gofio and pastry. Among the drinks produced in the islands,
there are especially rum, rum-cum-honey, malmsey wine and the local wines
produced on Lanzarote.