User Manual

setup screen
54_ setup screen
Face detection
You can configure the settings to generate an event signal in response to the detection of a face in the
specified area.
1. From the Setup menu, select the <Analytics (
)> tab.
2. Click <Face detection>.
3. Set whether or not to <Enable Face detection>.
4. Set an <Area> and <Exclude area>.
You can set an area of interest only in a rectangular shape.
A face that is smaller than the circle marked in the center of the area of
interest is not detected.
5. Set the sensitivity level.
The higher the sensitivity, the more detailed and precise face detection is available.
6. Configure the event motion schedule and event motion conditions.
For more information about <Event activation time> and <Event action settings>, refer to Alarm input”. (page 50)
7. When done, click [Apply].
In the following cases, face detection performance may be impaired or a malfunction may occur.
The angle or slope of the face is different from the imaging direction (e.g. handstand)
The person is wearing any accessories that cover the face such as glasses, sunglasses, hat or mask
The face is blurred as the camera is not focused
At night or in a low luminance environment
The brightness of the face is abnormal due to the lighting direction such as backlight
IVA (Intelligent Video Analysis)
You can configure settings to generate an event signal when a motion or situation meeting the specified
event rules is detected.
1. From the Setup menu, select the <Analytics (
)> tab.
2. Click <IVA>.
3. Set whether or not to <Enable IVA>.
4. Configure rules to detect. For more information about
settings, refer to “IVA rule settings”.
Configurable rules are as follows.
- Crossing : You can detect an object passing in the
selected direction on a specified virtual line.
- Intrusion : You can detect the emergence of a moving
object within a virtual area.
- Enter : Detects an object entering from the outside to the inside of the virtual area.
- Exit : Detects an object exiting from the inside to the outside of the virtual area.
- Appear(Disappear) : Detects a new object appearing inside a virtual area, which is monitored for a
specified period of time after its position is fixed, or detects a fixed object that disappears and is not
monitored for the monitoring duration.
- Loitering : Detects an object wandering inside the virtual area for longer than the monitoring duration.
5. Select area(s) that you don’t want to include in the analysis, and excluded area(s).
6. Set the sensitivity level and a size of interest (if necessary).
For more information about settings, refer to “IVA general setting”.
7. Configure the event motion schedule and event motion conditions.
For more information about <Event activation time> and <Event action settings>, refer to Alarm input”. (page 50)
8. When done, click [Apply].
IVA rule settings
You can configure individual analysis rules as follows.
1. Select the <Virtual line> tab.
2. Left-click on the screen to specify the start and end of the line at a desired position to detect.
3. Select a direction of interest.
4. When done, click [Apply].
5. To remove the rules that have been configured, right-click on the line and click the [OK] button in the pop-
up window that appears.
Intrusion, Enter, Exit, Appear(Disappear), Loitering
1. Click on the <Virtual area> tab.
2. Left click on the screen to specify 4 vertexes at desired positions.
3. From the virtual area that has been configured, select an analysis category.
4. When done, click [Apply].
5. To remove the rules that have been configured, right-click on the line and click the [OK] button on the pop-
up window that appears.
IVA general setting
Common settings are settings to increase the detection accuracy and minimize false positives, based on the
use environment.
1. Select the <Common> tab.
You can change the sensitivity of distinguishing the screen background from motions.
In a situation in which objects can be clearly distinguished from backgrounds, set this to a low sensitivity level. For the opposite
scenario, in which it is hard to distinguish objects, such as in a low illumination situation, set this to a high level.
2. When done, click [Apply].