User Manual

setup screen
56_ setup screen
People Counting
The people counting function lets you check the number of people entering a designated area through video
1. From the Setup menu, select the <Statistics (
)> tab.
2. Select <People Counting>.
To search people counting statistics
Using the people counting function, you can check the real-
time data as well as daily/weekly statistics, and can search the
statistical data for a desired period.
1. Click <Search>.
2. Select a period and target rule.
If you set the date as <Recent>, you can perform search on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.
When you set the date as <Period>, you can designate a period on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.
3. Click <Search>.
People counting statistics data that meet the selected condition are displayed.
To store the search results, click <Download>.
Data searched is updated every 15 minutes. The real-time in/out counts displayed on the settings page may be different
from the search results.
To set people counting
You can configure settings related to people counting.
1. Click <Setup>.
2. Select the <Setup> tab.
3. Enable or disable the People Counting option.
4. If you select the check box in <Counting Rule>, a virtual line
is displayed on the video.
5. Set a counting rule.
You can set the rule in/out direction and line length/position.
Up to 2 rules are available.
If you change the rule name, the people counting statistics data for
the existing rule will be initialized.
6. Select a counting rule and the real-time count is displayed at the bottom of the video screen. Real-time
count will be reset at 00:00 every day.
7. Enable or disable the Report function.
If you select <Enable>, you can receive people counting statistical data at regular intervals.
In <Event> - <FTP/E-mail>, you should configure the FTP settings to receive data.
8. When done, click [Apply].
9. To delete all data from the people counting statistics, click the <Delete All Data> button.
10. Select <Exclude area> tab.
11. Set the area to exclude from people counting.
To remove a configured area, right click on the area and select the [OK] button on the pop-up window.
12. Select the <Calibration> tab.
Calibration is required to improve the people counting accuracy.
Inaccurate calibration information may affect the accuracy of people counting.
13. Set the size of individual people shown on the screen.
14. When done, click [Apply].
You can check the motion frequency on the screen in colors using the heat map.
1. From the Setup menu, select the <Statistics (
)> tab.
2. Select <Heatmap>.
To search heat map statistics
You can search the heat map for a date, and a heat map for a
desired period.
1. Click <Search>.
2. Designate a period.
If you set the date as <Recent>, you can perform search on
a daily, weekly and monthly basis.
If you select the date as <Period>, you can designate a search period on a daily, weekly and monthly
3. Click <Search>.
Heat map is displayed based on the selected condition.
To store the search results, click <Download>.
Data searched is updated every 15 minutes. The real-time results displayed on the settings page may be different from the
search results.