Quick Guide

Recommended rack dimensions
Rack front
Rack back
Back mounting flange
Front mounting flange
Index Dimension Description
A 28 mm Recorder front dimension
B 560 mm Recorder product dimension
C 51 mm Offset distance between mounting flange and rack front
D 617~730 mm Offset distance between mounting flanges
E 800 mm Rack depth
Precautions when Selecting Shelves
To prevent any problem while installing the recorder, make sure to select a structure where the bottom of the
product is mounted.
For installation stability, fixed shelf dedicated to 19-inch rack that supports the load of at least 30 kg is
A shelf needs to be secured with at least 4 screws.
Precautions when Using Sliding Shelves
When removing a shelf, fix the rack to the ground so
that it does not get toppled.
Avoid leaning on the installed product or place an
object on it while its shelf is pulled out.
When sliding in/out the shelf, be careful not to drop
the product.
Use a shelf that supports the load of at least 30 kg
while it is pulled out, and ensure that there is no
deformation on the rail part while in use.