User's Guide

MP9320 User’s Guide
Standalone Reader Verification
Every effort has been made to ensure the MP9320 is configured
to match your application. However, it is recommended that the
reader configuration be verified before placing the reader into
service. If the system is to be used as a local, standalone reader
connected to a terminal or PC, perform the following:
1. Verify all antennas, cabling and power supplies are secure.
2. Verify the operator terminal or PC is connected to the reader
and operational.
3. Launch a terminal emulation program such as
4. Set the terminal serial port parameters to the reader default
values (9600, 8, 1, none).
5. Power up the reader.
6. Introduce a test tag into the RF field.
7. Verify the tag was read correctly.
8. If the tag did not read correctly, use the Configuration Read
(Cr) command to verify the reader operating mode matches
the application requirements (refer to Appendix A). If
necessary, use the Configuration Write (Cw) command to
reconfigure the reader operating modes.
NOTE: Refer to the Comprehensive Heuristic Unified
Messaging Protocol (CHUMP) Reference Guide for
detailed information on the Cr and Cw commands,
reader configuration words, and other CHUMP