User Manual

ATA Command Description
5-8 CompactFlash
Memory Card Product Manual, Rev. 10.0 © 2002 SANDISK CORPORATION Word 53: Translation Parameters Valid
Bit 0 of this field is set, indicating that words 54 to 58 are valid and reflect the current number of cylinders, heads
and sectors. Bit 1 is also set, indicating values in words 64 through 70 are valid. Words 54-56: Current Number of Cylinders, Heads, Sectors/Track
These fields contains the current number of user addressable Cylinders, Heads, and Sectors/Track in the current
translation mode. Words 57- 58: Current Capacity
This field contains the product of the current cylinders times heads times sectors. Word 59: Multiple Sector Setting
This field contains a validity flag in the odd byte and the current number of sectors that can be transferred per
interrupt for R/W Multiple in the even byte. The odd byte is always 01H, which indicates that the even byte is
always valid.
The even byte value depends on the value set by the Set Multiple command. The even byte of this word by default
contains a 00H, which indicates that R/W Multiple commands are not valid. The only other value returned by the
CompactFlash Memory Card in the even byte is a 01H value, which indicates that 1 sector per interrupt, can be
transferred in R/W Multiple mode. Words 60-61: Total Sectors Addressable in LBA Mode
This field contains the number of sectors addressable for the CompactFlash Memory Card in LBA mode only. Word 64: Advanced PIO Transfer Modes Supported
Bits 0 and 1 of this field are set to indicate support for PIO transfer modes 3 and 4, respectively. Word 67: Minimum PIO Transfer Cycle Time Without Flow Control
This field indicates in nanoseconds, the minimum cycle time that, if used by the host, the CompactFlash Memory
Card guarantees data integrity during the cycle without utilization of flow control. Word 68: Minimum PIO Transfer Cycle Time With Flow Control
This field indicates in nanoseconds, the minimum cycle time the CompactFlash Memory Card supports while
performing data transfers using flow control.