Product manual

Preliminary CompactFlash Memory Card Product Manual
SanDisk CompactFlash Memory Card Product Manual Rev. 8 © 2001 SANDISK CORPORATION
Table 4-2 Signal Description (continued)
Signal Name Dir. Pin Description
(PC Card Memory Mode)
I 35 This signal is not used in this mode.
(PC Card I/O Mode)
The I/O Write strobe pulse is used to clock I/O data on the Card Data
bus into the CompactFlash controller registers when the card is
configured to use the I/O interface.
The clocking will occur on the negative to positive edge of the signal
(trailing edge).
(True IDE Mode)
In True IDE Mode, this signal has the same function as in PC Card I/O
(PC Card Memory Mode)
I 9 This is an Output Enable strobe generated by the host interface. It is
used to read data from the CompactFlash Card in Memory Mode and
to read the CIS and configuration registers.
(PC Card I/O Mode)
In PC Card I/O Mode, this signal is used to read the CIS and
configuration registers.
(True IDE Mode)
To enable True IDE Mode this input should be grounded by the host.
(PC Card Memory Mode)
O 37 In Memory Mode this signal is set high when the CompactFlash Card
is ready to accept a new data transfer operation and held low when the
card is busy. The Host memory card socket must provide a pull-up
At power up and at Reset, the RDY/-BSY signal is held low (busy)
until the CompactFlash Card has completed its power up or reset
function. No access of any type should be made to the CompactFlash
Card during this time. The RDY/-BSY signal is held high (disabled
from being busy) whenever the following condition is true: The
CompactFlash Card has been powered up with +RESET continuously
disconnected or asserted.
( PC Card I/O Mode)
I/O Operation - After the CompactFlash Card has been configured for
I/O operation, this signal is used as -Interrupt Request. This line is
strobed low to generate a pulse mode interrupt or held low for a level
mode interrupt.
(True IDE Mode)
In True IDE Mode signal is the active high Interrupt Request to the
(PC Card Memory Mode)
Attribute Memory Select
I 44 This signal is used during Memory Cycles to distinguish between
Common Memory and Register (Attribute) Memory accesses. High for
Common Memory, Low for Attribute Memory.
(PC Card I/O Mode)
The signal must also be active (low) during I/O Cycles when the I/O
address is on the Bus.
(True IDE Mode)
In True IDE Mode this input signal is not used and should be
connected to VCC by the host.