Product manual

CompactFlash Memory Card Product Manual Preliminary
SanDisk CompactFlash Memory Card Product Manual Rev. 8 © 2001 SANDISK CORPORATION
5.5.2 Error Register (Address - 1F1[171];
Offset 1, 0Dh Read Only)
This register contains additional information about
the source of an error when an error is indicated in
bit 0 of the Status register. The bits are defined as
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
This register is also accessed on data bits D15-D8
during a write operation to offset 0 with -CE2 low
and -CE1 high.
Bit 7 (BBK) This bit is set when a Bad Block is detected.
Bit 6 (UNC) This bit is set when an Uncorrectable Error is encountered.
Bit 5 This bit is 0.
Bit 4 (IDNF) The requested sector ID is in error or cannot be found.
Bit 3 This bit is 0.
Bit 2 (Abort) This bit is set if the command has been aborted because of a CompactFlash Memory Card status condition:
(Not Ready, Write Fault, etc.) or when an invalid command has been issued.
Bit 1 This bit is 0.
Bit 0 (AMNF) This bit is set in case of a general error.
5.5.3 Feature Register (Address - 1F1[171]; Offset 1,
0Dh Write Only)
This register provides information regarding
features of the CompactFlash Memory Card that
the host can utilize. This register is also accessed
on data bits D15-D8 during a write operation to
Offset 0 with -CE2 low and -CE1 high.
5.5.4 Sector Count Register
(Address - 1F2[172]; Offset 2)
This register contains the number of sectors of data
requested to be transferred on a read or write
operation between the host and the CompactFlash
Memory Card. If the value in this register is zero, a
count of 256 sectors is specified. If the command
was successful, this register is zero at command
completion. If not successfully completed, the
register contains the number of sectors that need to
be transferred in order to complete the request.
5.5.5 Sector Number (LBA 7-0) Register (Address -
1F3[173]; Offset 3)
This register contains the starting sector number or
bits 7-0 of the Logical Block Address (LBA) for any
CompactFlash Memory Card data access for the
subsequent command.
5.5.6 Cylinder Low (LBA 15-8) Register (Address -
1F4[174]; Offset 4)
This register contains the low order 8 bits of the
starting cylinder address or bits 15-8 of the Logical
Block Address.
5.5.7 Cylinder High (LBA 23-16) Register (Address
- 1F5[175]; Offset 5)
This register contains the high order bits of the
starting cylinder address or bits 23-16 of the
Logical Block Address.