Product manual

Preliminary CompactFlash Memory Card Product Manual
SanDisk CompactFlash Memory Card Product Manual Rev. 8 © 2001 SANDISK CORPORATION
61 Word 0: General Configuration
This field informs the host that this is a non-magnetic,
hard sectored, removable storage device with a transfer
rate greater than 10 mb/sec and is not MFM encoded. Word 1: Default Number of Cylinders
This field contains the number of translated cylinders in
the default translation mode. This value will be the same
as the number of cylinders. Word 3: Default Number of Heads
This field contains the number of translated heads in the
default translation mode. Word 4: Number of Unformatted Bytes per
This field contains the number of unformatted bytes per
translated track in the default translation mode. Word 5: Number of Unformatted Bytes per
This field contains the number of unformatted bytes per
sector in the default translation mode. Word 6: Default Number of Sectors per Track
This field contains the number of sectors per track in the
default translation mode. Words 7-8: Number of Sectors per Card
This field contains the number of sectors per
CompactFlash Memory Card. This double word value is
also the first invalid address in LBA translation mode. Words 10-19: Memory Card Serial Number
The contents of this field are right justified and padded
with spaces (20h). Word 20: Buffer Type
This field defines the buffer capability with the 0002h
meaning a dual ported multi-sector buffer capable of
simultaneous data transfers to or from the host and the
CompactFlash Memory Card. Word 21: Buffer Size
This field defines the buffer capacity of 2 sectors or 1
kilobyte of SRAM. Word 22: ECC Count
This field defines the number of ECC bytes used on
each sector in the Read and Write Long commands. Words 23-26: Firmware Revision
This field contains the revision of the firmware for this
product. Words 27-46: Model Number
This field contains the model number for this product
and is left justified and padded with spaces (20h).