Product manual

CompactFlash Memory Card Product Manual Preliminary
SanDisk CompactFlash Memory Card Product Manual Rev. 8 © 2001 SANDISK CORPORATION
6.1.15 Request Sense - 03H
Bit -> 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Command (7)
C/D/H (6)
1 X 1 Drive X
Cyl High (5)
Cyl Low (4)
Sec Num (3)
Sec Cnt (2)
Feature (1)
This command requests an extended error code
after a command ends with an error. Table 6-4
defines the valid extended error codes for the
CompactFlash Memory Card Series product. The
extended error code is returned to the host in the
Error Register. This command must be the next
command issued to the CompactFlash Card
following the command which returned an error.
Table 6-4 Extended Error Codes
Extended Error Code Description
00h No Error Detected
01h Self Test OK (No Error)
09h Miscellaneous Error
20h Invalid Command
21h Invalid Address (Requested Head or Sector Invalid)
2Fh Address Overflow (Address Too Large)
35h, 36h Supply or generated Voltage Out of Tolerance
11h Uncorrectable ECC Error
18h Corrected ECC Error
05h, 30-34h, 37h, 3Eh Self Test or Diagnostic Failed
10h, 14h ID Not Found
3Ah Spare Sectors Exhausted
1Fh Data Transfer Error / Aborted Command
0Ch, 38H, 3Bh, 3Ch, 3Fh Corrupted Media Format
03h Write / Erase Failed