Product manual

Preliminary CompactFlash Memory Card Product Manual
SanDisk CompactFlash Memory Card Product Manual Rev. 8 © 2001 SANDISK CORPORATION
6.1.22 Translate Sector - 87H
Bit -> 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Command (7)
C/D/H (6)
1 LBA 1 Drive Head (LBA 27-24)
Cyl High (5)
Cylinder High (LBA 23-16)
Cyl Low (4)
Cylinder Low (LBA 15-8)
Sec Num (3)
Sector Number (LBA 7-0)
Sec Cnt (2)
Feature (1)
When this command is issued, the controller
responds with a 512 byte buffer of information on
the desired cylinder, head and sector with the
actual Logical Address. Table 6-6 represents the
information in the buffer. Please note that this
command is unique to the SanDisk CompactFlash
Memory Card.
Table 6-6 Translate Sector Information
Address Information
00 Head
01-02 Cylinder
03 Sector
04-07 LBA
08 Chip
09-0A Block
0B Page
0C-1FF Reserved