Use and Care Guide

Table Of Contents
Use as directed. To ensure proper performance, please be sure to contact us if you have installation or operation questions.
ENVIROLET®/SG INSTALLATION & OPERATION MANUAL (7MINS11D 12.15) • Envirolet® is a registered trademark. ©2016, Sancor Industries Ltd.
An attached solar power system can provide extended or continuous operation and will keep batteries recharged.
For extended periods of non-use (more than 4 weeks) turn system off by disconnecting the battery terminals.
It is not advised to use the system with the power off. Even though the Wind Turbine Ventilator will continue to draw air from
the system, the static fans can create an impedance in the vent line that will slow evaporation and air flow. Turn system back
on if it will be used.
FlushSmart VF models
Always turn the vacuum generator off when leaving your FlushSmart VF system for extended periods (e.g., weekend-to-weekend).
This prevents the vacuum generator from turning on when you are away. However, you can still continue to operate the
Envirolet®/SG FlushSmart VF Composting Unit in Energy Mode/Position 1 (single fan only) during these times.
Important Battery Facts
If leaving battery(s) unattended during winter or cold weather conditions, disconnect battery power to system and remove
battery(s) to warm area to protect battery(s) from damage.
4. Daily Operation
There are a few daily operating requirements to maintain a properly running system.
For proper system performance, be sure to use system within rated capacity.
Refer to Rated Capacity Chart for more information.
Educate users to use minimal amounts of single-ply or biodegradable toilet paper.
Waterless Self-Contained models:
o Open seat and bowl trap with handle to use.
Waterless Remote models:
o Open seat to use.
Low Water Remote and FlushSmart VF models:
o Use toilet and flush using foot flush or push-button electronic flush (FlushSmart VF 700 Series model only). The
bowl will refill with water automatically.
o You can push up on the foot pedal or use the add waterfunction on the switch (FlushSmart VF 700 Series model
only) to add more water to the bowl. However, always try to use minimal water when possible for the best
composting performance and to minimize drainage.
o In FlushSmart VF models, the vacuum generator requires approximately 30-60 seconds to recharge between
Add ¼ Cup of Daily Mix (or similar additive)
o When the system is in use, add ¼ cup of Daily Mix* (or similar additive) per person per day to
your Envirolet®/SG Composting Unit.
o Daily Mix keeps waste in the system from becoming too hard, absorbs water and helps visually cover any exposed
waste in the system.
o Most importantly, it also adds natural microbes that help convert the waste to compost.
o Waterless Self-Contained and Waterless Remote models:
§ Add Daily Mix through toilet seat or Service Panel (Waterless Remote only).
o Low Water Remote and FlushSmart VF models:
§ Be sure to add through the Service Panel on the Composting Unit and not through the toilet to keep
material dry.
Some users keep their Daily Mix beside the toilet or composting unit for easy access and add a small amount of Mix after
each use (easier with Waterless models).
Refer to Daily Additive Chart for quick reference.
Daily Additive Chart
Number of User
Amount/User (Cups)
Total Amount (Cups)