Use and Care Guide

Table Of Contents
Use as directed. To ensure proper performance, please be sure to contact us if you have installation or operation questions.
ENVIROLET®/SG INSTALLATION & OPERATION MANUAL (7MINS11D 12.15) • Envirolet® is a registered trademark. ©2016, Sancor Industries Ltd.
Fan Failure
Envirolet®/SG AC and DC models
have 2 Fans that are essential for
proper aeration, evaporation and
performance. If one fails, it should
be replaced immediately. Fans are
mechanical moving parts so they
can fail.
Signs that a Fan has failed include
inside odour, low evaporation, and
a “whizzing” sound or no sound
from Fan. The Fans are located
in the electric WID (Works-in-a-
Drawer) Box below. Contact an
authorized technician and
completely shut off power before
opening Top Panel. For your safety,
do not make any modifications or
changes without first contacting an
authorized technician.
Vent Fan (left side) failure
If you have inside (where Compost Unit is housed) odour, this is an indication that the Vent Fan
has failed. Contact dealer or contact customer service help line for replacement
instruction. See Fan Replacement.
Blower Fan (right side) failure
Low evaporation rate is a sign that the Blower Fan has failed. Contact dealer or contact
customer service help line for replacement instruction. See Fan Replacement.
Bottom Panel Leak
The Bottom Panel on all
Envirolet®/SG Systems is
sealed. Any leakage from it is not
normal. If you do have a leak, do
not open the Bottom Panel until you
figure out the cause of the leak to
avoid liquid spill.
Knobs on Bottom Panel are not fastened on tightly enough.
Tighten Knobs on Bottom Panel.
Bottom panel is on upside down
To check if the Bottom Panel is on upside down: there is a metal plate attached to the backside
of the Bottom Panel. Each end of the metal plate (top and bottom) has a “curve.” One is
shaped like an “L” and one is shaped like a “C.” Make sure that the “L” shaped edge is on top.
Also, use the arrows on the sticker found on the back of the metal plate:
Bottom panel gasket needs to be replaced
If the Bottom Panel Rubber Gasket is ripped or has a tear it should be replaced.
Rubber washers need to be replaced
Replace rubber washers if they are ripped or damaged.
Heavy use with no overflow drain connected or a clogged drain
Follow rated capacity (user) guidelines. Make sure drain line is not clogged or blocked. Refer
to Liquid Build-Up section. Note, to determine if your drain line is being blocked by debris, you
will need to open the Bottom Panel. Please do not do this unless it is a last resort for
troubleshooting if you have a leaking panel.
Excess liquid being flushed
In Envirolet®/SG Low Water and FlushSmart VF models, try and flush with the most minimal
amount of water as possible.