User's Manual

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You can use Date & Time settings to set your preferences for how dates are displayed. You can
also use these settings to set your own time and time zone, rather than obtaining the current time
from the network, etc.
Scheduled power on & off
You should set a certain time, when the time arrive, the phone would power on/off
You use the Accessibility settings to configure any accessibility plug-ins you have installed on
your phone.
Connect to the printing with phone, print photo or files as you need.
Developer options
You can manage your develop tools through this function.
About phone
This function enables you to view some phone related information.
4.23 Sound Recorder
Use this function to record audio files. Two function icons at the bottom of the Recorder screen
are corresponding to start recording/pause record, the recording file list.
4.24 Theme
There are four themes for you choose from this function.
4.25 Voice Search
The Voice Search function enables you to through voice or input keywords searching your
phone and the web.
4.26 YouTube
You can view, download and upload videos after sign in your Google account.