User's Manual

1) From within the TEMP1 or TEMP2 menu, scroll UP or DOWN to highlight MAX TEMP
248ºF (or 120ºC).
2) Press the ENTER key, then scroll UP or DOWN to change the Maximum Temperature
value. The Temperature Display Monitor on the Telemetry Screen will not display
temperature values above the Maximum Temperature value programmed.
Changing the Maximum Temperature Value:
The Maximum Temperature value determines the maximum temperature shown on the
[TEMP1] or [TEMP2] Telemetry Screen Temperature Display Monitors. This allows you to
calibrate each Temperature Display Monitor to match what the Temperatures Sensor is
attached to. This setting does not effect the TEMP1 or TEMP2 Digital Displays.
TELEMETRY MAX TEMP setting range is 68ºF to 302ºF (0ºC to 150ºC). The default setting is 248ºF (120ºC).
The Maximum Temperature value cannot be set lower than the Alert Temperature value or the Minimum Temperature value.
In some cases, you may need to lower the Alert Temperature value prior to lowering the Maximum Temperature value.
Changing the Alert Temperature Value:
The Alert Temperature value determines the temperature at which the Temperature Alert alarm will sound. For example, you
can set an Alert Temperature value for your Nitro engine that will alert you when your engine's cylinder head temperature is
getting too hot.
When the Alert Temperature value is reached, the Temperature Alert alarm will sound and LED2 (Red) will flash. The Temperature
Alert alarm will sound for approximately 5 seconds, however, LED2 will continue to flash until the temperature drops below the
Alert Temperature value. The audible portion of the Temperature Alert alarm can be cleared by pressing the BACK/CANCEL
key or the Push-Button Rotary Dial.
3) Scroll UP or DOWN to highlight TEMP1 SETTING or TEMP2 SETTING.
4) Press the ENTER key. The TEMP1 or TEMP2 menu will be displayed and TEMP UNIT ºF
will be highlighted.
5) Press the ENTER key, then scroll UP or DOWN to change the Temperature Unit to the
desired value.
TELEMETRY TEMP UNIT setting range is ºF and ºC. The default setting is ºF.
Changing the Temperature Unit Value:
If desired, the Temperature Unit value can be changed from Fahrenheit to Celsius.
1) From within the SYSTEM menu, scroll UP or DOWN to highlight the TELEMETRY menu.
2) Press the ENTER key. The TELEMETRY menu will be displayed and TEMP1 SETTING will
be highlighted.
The tick marks in the Temperature Display Monitors indicate the current temperature relative to the programmed Maximum
and Minimum Temperature values.
This section covers both the TEMP1 and TEMP2 menus, since programming each of them is exactly the same. Choose either
the TEMP1 or the TEMP2 menu depending on which of the two Temperature Sensor Ports you want to make changes to.
MT-4S User's Guide.indd 64 2015/10/27 14:39:16