User's Manual Part 2

SySteM MenuS
06.tH tyPe (tHrottle tyPe)
The Throttle Type function allows you to change the proportion between Throttle High Side servo travel and Throttle
Brake Side servo travel. In the default configuration, the Throttle Type is set to F70:B30. This Throttle Type shifts the throt-
tle Neutral point toward the Brake Side, resulting in more servo travel toward the High Side and less servo travel toward
the Brake Side. Some users may prefer the proportion between Throttle High Side servo travel and Throttle Brake Side
servo travel to be balanced (F50:B50). The F70:B30 Throttle Type is most common for general use and racing, while the
F50:B50 Throttle Type is most common for Rock Crawling.
F70:B30 - When selected, the throttle Neutral point is shifted toward the Brake Side. This is most common
Changing the Throttle Type
2) Press the ENTER key. The TH TYPE menu will be displayed and MODE F70:B30
will be highlighted.
3) Press the ENTER key, then scroll UP or DOWN to choose the desired Throttle Type
TH TYPE setting range is F70:B30 and F50:B50. The default setting is F70:B30.
The current Throttle Type will be displayed on the TOP screen. 7:3 will be displayed to indicate the current
4) Press the ENTER key. Either Set to F70:B30? NO/YES will be displayed or Set to
F50:B50? NO/YES will be displayed. Scroll DOWN to highlight YES, then press the
07.buzzer (audible key tone)
The Audible Key Tone function allows you to change the Volume and Tone of the audible sounds that are made when
you use the Trim Switches, Rotary Dial, Auxiliary Lever, Push-Button Rotary Dial and the Timer function. The Volume can
Changes made using the Audible Key Tone function also affect the audible sounds that are part of the Timer
function. For example, if you Mute the Audible Key Tones, the sounds that are part of the Timer function will