User's Manual Part 2

SySteM MenuS
Increasing or decreasing the LCD Contrast values to the extreme limits can result in blacking out the Multi-Function
Changing the Contrast Value, Continued....
2) Press the ENTER key. The LCD menu will be displayed and CONTRAST 15 will be
3) Press the ENTER key, then scroll UP or DOWN to choose the desired LCD Con-
trast value. Increasing the LCD Contrast value will increase the Contrast of the
Multi-Function LCD and decreasing the LCD Contrast value will decrease the
LCD CONTRAST setting range is 0 to 30. The default setting is 15.
10.teleMetry (teleMetry)
The Telemetry menu allows you to change different options to configure how the various Telemetry functions are dis-
played on the Telemetry Screen, and how the Telemetry Logger operates. For example, you are able to change the
Telemetry Temperature reading from Fahrenheit to Celsius, change the values at which Telemetry Sensor alarms sound
For information about plugging the Telemetry Sensors into your receiver and installing them into your model, see
the Telemetry Connections and Mounting section on page 13. For information about using the Telemetry function,
teMP1 and teMP2 SettinG (teMPerature teleMetry diSPlay oPtionS)
The Temperature 1 and Temperature 2 Settings allow you change how Temperature information is displayed on the
3) Scroll UP or DOWN to highlight TEMP1 SETTING or TEMP2 SETTING.
4) Press the ENTER key. The TEMP1 or TEMP2 menu will be displayed and TEMP
5) Press the ENTER key, then scroll UP or DOWN to change the Temperature Unit
to the desired value. When ºF is chosen, all Telemetry Temperatures will be dis-
played in Fahrenheit and when ºC is chosen, all Telemetry Temperatures will be
TELEMETRY TEMP UNIT setting range is ºF and ºC. The default setting is ºF.
The MT-4 2.4GHz FHSS-4T radio control system includes one Temperature Sensor. If you want to utilize both Tem-
perature Inputs on the receiver at the same time, you will need to purchase a second Temperature Sensor sepa-
Changing the Temperature Unit Value
If desired, the Temperature Unit value can be changed from Fahrenheit to Celsius.
1) From within the SYSTEM menu, scroll UP or DOWN to highlight the TELEMETRY
2) Press the ENTER key. The TELEMETRY menu will be displayed and TEMP1 SET-