Installation Instructions

How to Use Each Feature
Base [BASE] is a feature to integrate features of the Reverse that determines the direction of the servo of
each channel and the speed controller according to a specific RC car, the Sub Trim that adjusts the neutral
position and the End Point Adjustment [EPA] that sets the operating quantity into one feature (Base) to
allow you to make a setting all at once.
This is used when operation and the movement of the servo are reversed while operating Steering/throttle/
1) Select BASE with the multi-selector and select a channel
to set (ST/TH/AUX1/AUX2) with the select button.
2) Enter with the channel to be set and use the multi-selector.
The Reverse setting will be changed.
*When cancelling a selected feature, use the Back key.
Setting Range: NOR/REV
Default: NOR
Using the Sub Trim feature, correct the neutral (center) of Steering/Throttle/AUX1/AUX2 so that Trim can
be used in the center position. When installing a servo on to RC car, center the servo with Sub Trim first
before adjusting End Point Adjustment.
1) Before using, center (0) each main trim.
2) Select SUB-T with the multi-selector and select a channel
(ST/TH/AUX1/AUX2) to adjust Sub Trim with the select button.
3) Determine by Enter operation in the channel to set.
4) Install servo saver horn (servo arm) as close to centered as possible.
*For installation position of the servo horn,
follow the instruction on the car body side.
5) Use the multi-selector to adjust the center.
Setting Range:L150
L150(AUX1, AUX2)
Default: 0
Setting SUB-T
Adjusting the center position
About Trim and Sub Trim
Trim is a feature for adjusting the neutral (center) position of the servo. When your model does not run straight after installing the steering servo onto the model,
Trim adjusts the main trim of the steering. Also, the neutral position of the carburetor on RC cars needs neutral adjustment of the throttle servo along with linkage
adjustment after installing the servo. Neutral position adjustment is necessary not only after installing the servo but for changes that happen during running such
as tire wears and chassis twist. MT-5 Trim features two types of Trim including Center Trim that adjusts only the neutral position without changing the end of the
operating angle and Parallel Trim that moves the end of the operating angle and the neutral
position simultaneously. Sub Trim that adjusts the neutral (center)
position before fixing the servo horn is Parallel Trim and the main trim is Center Trim.
Center Trim (Main Trim)
Even if you move the neutral position with Trim, the
end of the operation angle does not move.
Parallel Trim (Sub Trim)
When you move the neutral position with Trim, the end of the
operation angle also moves.When Sub Trim is adjusted after
linkage is completed, readjustment of End Point Adjustment
(EPA) will be necessary.
When installing the servo horn onto your servo, fix the servo horn as
close to the center as possible and center it with Sub Trim.
If Sub Trim and the transmitter main trim are off to one side,
it causes dead band (the range the servo does not move) to the steering
wheel and the throttle trigger.